It’s Time To Go People, 2018-2020

Exhibtion @LAB-1 Eindhoven 2019

We are a collective built from multi-national students at Design Academy Eindhoven under the name 'it's time to go people’. Frustrated because people were struggling to inspire themselves, we started this collective with an aim to build a community by sharing creativity of students whether it be poetry, installations, digital work or analog experiments. Starting with zines of collated submissions, we quickly progressed onto exhibitions showcasing local and far afield work in any medium, and workshops focused on music and drawings, textile and customising or collaging and storytelling all around the Netherlands, with plans for many more. We strive to take people out of the comfort zones, decontextualise, destroy and distort their existing works as well as exposing them to the opportunities of collaboration. We have a fascination for analog techniques and see opportunity in its limitations which we use to free peoples creativity from the looming societal pressures to have clean polished work and help them connect themselves to a more intuitive and experimental process when creating work.

Issue #1 Through the window

Issue #2 CMYK Police

Issue #4 SPREAD ‘EM