Splitting Image, 2022

Manufactured boards have become increasingly removed from their raw material origins and production processes. Plywood is engineered to be a consistently stable and predictable board yet is made using veneers of wood, a natural material that is diverse and characterful in its structure  and appearance.

Manufacturers have to overcome the many obstacles this natural material poses, such as shrinkage, warping, knots and cracks, in order to create uniform boards. Plywood board restrains and conceals this unruly world of natural beauty within a uniform straitjacket. Splitting Image releases this tension between the regulated and untamed, displaying the true beauty of plywood construction.  

By splitting plywood, a cross section of its production and interior workings is revealed, bringing back the natural beauty of the organic material and our attempts to tame unruliness. The resulting outcome, ‘Splitboard’, rediscovers plywood as a decorative material by reconnecting it with its raw beginnings and manufacturing process. The split brings texture, dynamics and spontaneity back to an otherwise uniform and sanitised material.