Installation, 2021

This installation was an exercise in scavenging. Starting with the spare wood in my shed I started building a structure to occupy the outside space of my house. I would watch the installation slowly grow, peaking out from behind the shed. Each beam was added in reflection to the space - the uneven floor, the broken brick, the gaps in the trellis. l began to trawl through skips, bins and facebook to find any second hand wood I could. Travelling to all corners of the city with broken beds, old shelves and project surplus under my arm, the structure became a culmination of the beams previous lives, a sort of material meeting place. The days haul would sit in the garden, bungeed together in a Tetris orientation, waiting to participate. Warping with the weather the beams would pull and twist each other in all directions; the structure changes. The installation sunk into the corner of the outside space hiding. Uncomfortably straddling the network, in the dark and in the rain, I helped it develop.